The Long Gold Line


    15:46 De’Sean Turner

    15:59 Tyron Green

    16:07 Brandon Cole

    16:33 Aaron Harding

    16:37 Tom Rodden

    16:46 Caleb Pack

    16:48 Cody Stone

    16:57 Robert Clinard

    17:01 Lee Justice

    17:11 Brandon Smith


    15:27 De’Sean Turner

    15:51 Aaron Harding

    15:57 Ken Jackson

    16:13 Tyron Green

    16:14 Cody Stone

    16:16 Brandon Cole

    16:18 Caleb Pack

    16:27 Mike Althardt

    16:31 Micah Aldrich

    16:31 Robert Clinard


    15:07 De’Sean Turner

    15:23 Aaron Harding

    15:32 John Fendel

    15:41 Ken Jackson

    15:41 Ondraius Richardson

    15:43 Tyler Lowhorn

    15:52 Tim Armstrong

    15:52 David Hardebeck

    15:53 Cody Stone

    15:53 Vince Fendel


    15:09 De’Sean Turner

    15:12 John Fendel

    15:18 Vince Fendel

    15:29 Aaron Harding

    15:34 Brian Gowin

    15:38 Dave Hardebeck

    15:38 Ondraius Richardson

    15:41 Brandon Cole

    15:46 Ken Jackson

    15:47 Kevin Leeds



    15:09 De’Sean Turner

    15:12 John Fendel

    15:18 Vince Fendel

    15:23 Aaron Harding

    15:34 Brian Gowin

    15:38 Dave Hardebeck

    15:38 Ondraius Richardson

    15:41 Brandon Cole

    15:43 Tyler Lowhorn

    15:46 Ken Jackson

This website was created to help the Warren Central Cross-country team keep track of their records. The website is also for people who are alumni or anyone who wants to follow the team and their accomplishments.

Website Created By:
Christopher Stephens
Kevin King Jr.
Mark Hudgins